Juan Manuel Barja López, MD, MSc
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, specialist in Dermatology and STIs, Master in International Health and Tropical Medicine.
Collaborator in medical trainings and other international cooperation programmes in Bolivia, Senegal, Cameroon, Brazil and Equatorial Guinea.
Dermatology Technical Advisor to Carlos III Institute of Health, Madrid (Spain). Project implementer of the Training in Dermatology for physicians attending HIV patients in Ecuatorial Guinea.
Webmaster of the initiative www.tropicaltelemedicine.org .
Contact email: juan.barja@gmail.com.
Gema Barbeito Castiñeiras, MD
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Microbiology and Parasitology. Degree in «Statistics in Health Sciences».
Short course in Diagnosis of malaria and parasites in London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Trainer of human resources on rapid diagnostic techniques for HIV and hepatotropic virus, antimicrobial susceptibility testing and reception and processing of blood cultures in the laboratory of microbiology.
Maria Diaz Berdeal, MD
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in General Surgery and Digestive Diseases. She has participated in cooperation projects in Bolivia, Senegal and Cameroon.
Pascual Caballero Fernandez, MD
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Paediatrics. He has participated in training, communication and monitoring tasks in cooperation projects with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Port au Prince (Haiti), Dadaab (Kenya), Madaoua (Niger) and Darbhanga (India) and with other NGOs in Tindouf (Algeria), Lamu (Kenya), Meki (Ethiopia) and Farafangana (Madagascar).
Main collaboration areas: malnutrition, measles, cholera, malaria, tuberculosis, neonatology. He is currently working for MSF as Pediatric Advisor.
Xavier Cano Camps, MD
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. He has participated in some medical cooperation projects in Ivory Coast (Duékoué and Korhogo).
Elba Carballo Nuñez, MD
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. She has participated in cooperation projects in Senegal.
Elena Escobar Cidoncha, MD
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Paediatrics with specific training in intensive care in Spain and Costa Rica. MSF Training in Tropical Medicine and Paediatrics in Holland. Training on HIV at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium.
She has collaborated with MSF as medical team leader, working on different areas (HIV, anaemia, malnutrition, tuberculosis, malaria …) in countries like Liberia (Maternal and Child Hospital Benson, Monrovia), Ethiopia (Degahbur Hospital in the Somali region) and Myanmmar (HIV clinics in the province of Shan).
Patricia Lopez Felpete, MD
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. She is currently specializing in Family and Community Medicine. She has participated in various cooperation projects in Senegal (Yoff, Touba Merina and Sam Jabal) and Rwanda.
Diego Fernandez Alonso, MD
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Radiology. Training in Rx diagnostics, ultrasound, CT scan and MRI.
Fernando Gonzalez Hidalgo, MD
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. He has participated in cooperation projects in Brazil, Rwanda, Chad, Cameroon and Western Sahara.
David Mingo Botin, MD
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Ophthalmology specialist. He works in a specific unit of Cornea and Ocular Surface.
Collaborator in the Eye Project in Turkana (Kenya) since 2009, dedicated to blindness prevention, working on xerophthalmia, trachoma and cataracts, mainly. Webmaster of the initiative www.ojosturkana.org.
María Montero-Martín, MD, MSc
Paediatric Consultant, MSc in Tropical Paediatrics from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), she is a paediatrician passionate about International Child Health and Paediatric Infectious Diseases.
She has clinical experience in various tropical and resource-limited settings (Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala or Brazil) in the context of humanitarian or development field missions with non-governmental organisations, such as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or as part of her clinical training.
She has conducted clinical research projects about HIV and TB in Mexico, Peru and Nepal, but also participated in European research consortiums, such as EUCLIDS.
She has experience in training of health medical resources in Mexico, Kenya and Central African Republic. She has participated as invited lecturer in the Tropical Paediatrics MSc from LSTM (UK).
She is currently working as paediatrician in the Hospital of Melilla (Spain), border region between Europe and Africa.
Tomas Perez Porcuna, MD, PhD
Pediatrician, Doctor in Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (Brazil), Master in Tropical Medicine and International Health at the University of Barcelona (Spain).
He has participated in international cooperation projects in Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. He has collaborated in operational research about poverty-related diseases and conducted training of human resources in health and major endemic diseases.
Alessandra Gonçalves Queiroga
Degree in Biomedical Parasitology, PhD and MSc in International Health in the University of Barcelona (Spain) and MSc in Parasitology in the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Brazil).
She has experience in research and laboratory diagnosis of tropical diseases and training of human resources in health in Brazil and Bolivia. Expert in fieldwork management research and international cooperation projects. She is currently collaborating as researcher in the Department of Public Health at the University of Barcelona (Spain).
Pablo Varela García, MD
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (DTM & H) of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
Antonio Vargas Brizuela, MD
Medical Doctor. Speciality in Public Health and Tropical Medicine. He has worked as a physician and technical advisor in development cooperation projects.
He has worked in Angola, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, Senegal, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Brazil, conducting healthcare assistance, research and training especially focused on MCH, nutrition, tuberculosis and HIV. Sensitized with gender and human rights issues in cooperation interventions.
Guillermo Vazquez Mata, MD, PhD
Doctor of Medicine in the University of Barcelona (Spain). Specialist in Intensive Care Medicinet. He has worked in various hospitals in Spain and France, both in intensive care units and emergency services.
Professor of Medicine at the University of Granada and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, he is an expert in educational innovation.
He has been participating in international cooperation activities for 19 years in the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa. He has also collaborated with the Spanish Red Cross in international disasters and in hosting centres for migrants in Granada.
Technical Advisor on Cooperation of the Medical Council of Andalusia (Spain) and the Foundation of Regional Medical Councils Solidarity Network of Medical of the National Medical Council of Spain.
Course Director of the Short Course on Tropical Medicine for Health Volunteers (Spa)in.
President of the NGO Medicina Andaluza Solidaria (Solidariy Andalusian Medicine), dedicated to training of health professionals in developing countries.